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Scenic Wetlands Wildlife Habitat

The Protected Property contains a small upland area of maintained grass, trees, and overgrown invasive shrubs, as well as a wet meadow, wooded / shrub swamp, extensive Phragmites marsh, and a portion of Long Pond.  The Protected Property abuts a medium low density residential area to the north and pastureland to the east.  The majority of the Protected Property is wetland; the property extends southwest into Long Pond. 

Based on the examination of historic aerial photography, it appears that the Protected Property was maintained as agricultural land in 1939.  Periodic aerial photography in 1952 and 1962 show significant revegetation, but stone walls bounding the property remain visible. 

Conservation Easement given by Dora Atwater Millikin & Nathaniel B. Atwater, Jr. on December 21, 2009.

Total Acreage:

Restriction Type:
Conservation Easement

Date Completed:
December 16, 2009

Conservation Values:
wetlands, wildlife habitat, meadows, scenic vista

Property Type:
Private Property

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