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Scenic Wetlands Wildlife Habitat Woodlands

The Mosher Property consists of a shrub bog/fen plant community as well as a coastal oak/holly forested upland that provide natural habitat for wildlife and plant species. The Mosher Property provides scenic enjoyment to the general public from both Colebrook Road and Long Highway; the property is located west of the intersection of these two roads. Water from the property drains through a culvert, running under these roads into Simmons Pond within the Simmons Mill Pond Management Area, a property conserved by the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management. The Mosher Property is located within the Quicksand Pond Watershed. Historic stonewalls are found within the property and are recognized as a valuable cultural resource to be protected in Little Compton. The property lies within a Greenway Corridor as delineated by the Rhode Island State Greenways Plan.

The property was purchased collaboratively from Charles and Julie Mosher on November 1, 2017 by the Little Compton Agricultural Conservancy Trust and the Sakonnet Preservation Association, Inc. By mutual agreement, the Trust holds the fee interest and Sakonnet Preservation the easement.

Total Acreage:

Restriction Type:
Conservation Easement

Date Completed:
November 1, 2017

Conservation Values:
wildlife habitat, scenic, historic stone walls, bog/fen plant community, oak-holly forest

Property Type:
Private Property

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