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Scenic Wetlands Wildlife Habitat Woodlands

The Hagopian & Manchester Property is located in Little Compton.  The forested Property lies within a forested corridor that follows the length of Sisson Brook.  Sakonnet Preservation’s 1.3 acre Hi-Temp Property, also owned in fee, is an abutter to this property.  To the south and west, the Property is surrounded by medium-density residential housing.  To the north, northwest, and northeast are several pockets of remaining farmland. 

Based on the examination of historic aerial photography, it appears that the Property had been recently released from agricultural use in 1939.  Much of the surrounding landscape was still used for agriculture. Little had changed by 1952, though additional re-growth of vegetation on the Property is evident. By 1962, dense shrub vegetation is present and much of the surrounding farmland has been abandoned for agricultural purposes. By 1972, aerial photographs show that the Hagopian & Manchester Property is fully revegetated and succession is beginning to produce a forest community, with the delineation of tree canopies now in evidence.

The Property was donated by John V. Hagopian & Thomas E. Manchester and Mary Louise Manchester on December 28, 2015

Total Acreage:

Restriction Type:
Fee Simple

Date Completed:
December 29, 2015

Conservation Values:
wetlands, wildlife habitat, woodlands, adjacent to conserved property

Property Type:
Private Property

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